The Dodecahedron is the most
powerful and the most versatile of the five perfect polyhedrons or Platonic
Solids of sacred geometry on which atomic, molecular, and cellular life is
based. Its corresponding sound and color is the FA key and the green. Its
element is ether. Its principal properties are: to facilitate communication, to
decontaminate the energy of a room, to amplify intention and to enhance the
The form waves that it emits
enhances spiritual evolution, and root the feeling of unity {plenitude}. The
Dodecahedron never needs to be recharged. Furthermore, it enhances the crown
chakra, seat of the social conscience. This form's key is: IMPLACABILITY [one
of the 12 aspect of dignity], which means compassion towards justice an
attitude which emerges when the sages masculine energy balances with the
feminine energy of love [internal marriage].
The Aventurine calms anxiety,
reassures, enhances, helps healing the past, purifies the mental body, the
emotional and the etheric bodies and purifies the blood.